Brand Concept Image 
Chapter I
2023.11 — 2023.12

global icon (trendy, iconic) 독보적인 글로벌 아이콘. Korean food (inspiration, Korean heritage, Signature flavor) 영감을 주는 한국의 맛. Celeration, family, friend 친구, 가족과 함께 즐길수 있는 곳 - Spice of life (한식의 특성상 맛에 많은 레이어가 있듯, 본촌의 음식을 통해서 고객들의 삶에 spice(양념, 맛)를 더해주겠다는 뜻.

global icon (trendy, icon) A unique global icon. Korean food (inspiration, Korean heritage, signature flavor) Inspiring Korean flavors. Where to enjoy with Celeration, family, friend, and family
- Spice of life (as there are many layers of taste due to the nature of Korean food, through the food of the main village
It means that it will add "spice" to customers' lives.
militarization and the curtailment of civil liberty.

The Starting Point
Preface (p. 3)
No visiting angel, or explorer from another planet, could have guessed that this bland orb teemed with vermin, with world-mastering, self-torturing, incipiently angelic beasts.

Cargo Collective, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif.